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Dog Training

I love all animals. My fascination with dogs began when I happened to watch an episode of Lassie. I too wanted a smart dog like Lassie, one that would be my loyal companion :)

And then the show Komissar Rex aired. You can imagine how much I wanted a dog after that! I was 10 years old at the time and it turned out that I had to wait for 17 years to eventually have my dog.

When I found Koulis, I was wandering about with a friend in my home town, Patras in Greece. Koulis was an abandoned Belgian shepherd puppy obviously malnourished and in a bad condition.

My friend knew that I had been wanting a dog for years and pushed me to take him. I was hesitant at first, but I eventually gave in.

I did my best with Koulis. I read books, watched videos, and asked for advice from experienced dog trainers. Koulis was a very smart dog and was learning very fast.

I miss him.

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